Meet Rezi's new
way to job search
One job search that does it all. Search, optimize, and track—right inside Rezi.
Over 1,301,220 jobs sourced directly from company websites... say goodbye to job application blackholes like Linkedin and Indeed...
Millions of jobs. Updated hourly.
With over 1.3 million jobs pulled straight from company websites, helps you skip the frustration and get closer to hiring managers who actually review your application.
We've reduced the time to create tailored resumes to a few minutes. Save time while increasing your interview rate and overall satisfaction in your job search.
Resume Targeting. Made Easy
One of the toughest parts of applying to jobs is tailoring your resume for every single role—it takes hours, and it’s easy to miss what the hiring manager is actually looking for. With Rezi, we’ve made that process simpler and faster than ever.

Keywords, Keywords, Keywords...
We'll tell you which keywords should be found in your resumes content to show that you have the skills needed for the job.

Deliberately use AI
We'll make sure that the content generated, is experiences you actually have.

We'll do the rest
Let Rezi do it's work as it creates tailored bullet points.

Integrated job tracking features make sure to keep your resumes and applications neatly categorized by stage.
Better Management. Better Results
Keep track of every job you apply to with ease. Rezi’s job tracking tools let you organize your applications by stage—saved, applied, interviewing, or rejected—so you can focus on what’s next.

Utility-first bulk actions
Do more, faster. Manage your application tracking in bulk.
Out of sight, out of mind
Integrated application tracking that is integrated into the interface to make things a bit easier to use.