The contact section is one of the key components of a resume. It helps the recruiter to get in touch with you if they think you are suitable for the position.
Components of the Contact section
Full Name: Avoid adding your degree/job title to your name. This may lead the Applicant Tracking System to believe that it is part of your full name.
Email address: When applying for a job, it is imperative to add your email address to your resume so that the hiring manager can contact you if you are suitable for the position. Use a professional email address and avoid using a fancy or funky one when applying for a job.
Phone Numbers: It is always recommended to prefix your country code and mobile number when applying for a position. So that the hiring managers can get in touch with you if they need more information.
LinkedIn: Remove everything before the in/profile_id; Avoid long LinkedIn URLs and those with random digits formed when you create an account. LinkedIn is a great way to make your resume and cover letter stand out. With shorter URLs, it will be easier for recruiters to search for you on the site.
Personal website or relevant link: You can add your website, portfolio, or GitHub URL here so that the recruiters can check them. Remove https:// and www from URLs so that they are shorter and easy to type (For example instead of If the URL is long, shorten the URL with bitly or a similar service. Shorten long URLs with bitly
Location: You can hide the country name if you apply for a position in the same country.