
The Top 20 Job Titles Based on 50,567 Resumes (2024)


Our team analyzed the 50,567 resumes created in Rezi. The top most-commonly used job titles were software engineer, data analyst, software developer, project manager…

The top job titles are in tech, mostly revolving around software and data. This is based on the 50,567 resumes created in Rezi in January 2024.

In this article, we examine the most popular job positions alongside what the data suggests about the job market. 

Top 20 Job Titles of January 2024 Based on 50,567 Resumes

The job titles listed show what position users from Rezi created a resume for. 

These job titles reflect industry and seniority levels, which is why you’ll see job titles including the words “intern” and “senior.” That said, a majority of the positions listed hint that users are applying for mid-level roles. 

It’s also worth noting that our users are not solely based in the US. This data takes into account users across different countries, including India. 

Here are the top twenty job titles of Rezi users in January 2024: 

  • Software engineer
  • Data analyst 
  • Software developer
  • Project manager
  • Product manager
  • Data scientist
  • Business analyst
  • Data engineer
  • Web developer
  • Full-stack developer
  • Teacher
  • Account executive
  • CSM
  • Frontend developer
  • Senior software engineer
  • DevOps engineer
  • Intern
  • Senior product manager
  • Graphic designer
  • Admin assistant
LinkedIn post by jacob

After our CEO posted this on LinkedIn, it sparked a few reactions, including comments: 

“Interesting to see generically worded positions being advertised way more than other specifically worded positions.”

Peter. P, Asia F&B Partner
“Interesting to see the division of people using this service. Mostly all engineering/dev related.”

Justin McAroy

And they’re both right—a lot of these positions are in the same field or closely related to one another. Data analysts, data scientists, and data engineers are good examples of this. The same can be said for some of the software and developer roles listed.

Interestingly, our data doesn’t quite align with the jobs reported to be in demand on LinkedIn. The only overlaps are for software engineer and project manager. We also don’t seem to have too much healthcare and sales-related job titles. 

It’s evident that most Rezi users are creating resumes to apply for jobs in tech. If you’re in other industries, using Rezi AI might help you build a resume that’s significantly different from other candidates.

Resume writing advice if you’re applying for any of these roles

  • Prioritize achievements. Listing only your job responsibilities on a resume tells recruiters what you did. What they want to know is how well you did it. The best way to prove your expertise is to showcase your work accomplishments and how you achieved them. 
  • Use numbers. Adding numbers to quantify your resume achievements or job duties gives hiring managers a concrete measure of your impact. This makes your resume twice as compelling.
  • Focus on software proficiency. Most of the roles listed from our most popular positions are tech-related. But instead of just focusing on what tools you’re skilled in, focus on showcasing how quick you can learn and adapt to new software. 
  • Highlight soft skills. Interpersonal skills are underrated. These are what boost your career progression. Soft skills are essential in remote work environments and leadership roles. 
  • Share projects and certifications. Adding reputable projects or certifications you’ve completed to your resume adds a layer of proof to what you claim you can do. It’s a way of showing, rather than just telling, what you bring to the table. 
  • Align with the job description. Create a tailored resume by matching the ideal candidate profile that the company is looking for. For instance, let’s say hiring managers want someone experienced in analytics tools. Then, focus on highlighting this aspect on your resume. An example of this could be writing an achievement related to analytics in the work experience or summary section. 

Follow these tips for every job you apply to. Soon enough, you’ll find yourself landing more interviews! 

What Does This Tell Us About the Job Market?

There are a few different points that the data might suggest: 

  • The tech job market could be slowing down
  • Data expertise is desirable 
  • Soft skills are as important as ever
  • Career progression is a priority 

Below, I’ll share some thoughts on each in correlation to your professional growth. 

The tech job market could be slowing down

From data analyst to project manager and web developer, most of the job titles featured on resumes created in January 2024 were tech-related positions. And the resume-building software industry is very anti-cyclical. A rise in the number of customers from one sector usually indicates that this sector currently fades.

Global digital transformation is estimated to reach $3.9 trillion in spending by 2027, according to Statista. However, there have been mass layoffs in tech in recent years. It’s likely much harder to secure a role when you have little to no formal experience. 

Data expertise is desirable

Data is everywhere. Some can tell what the data suggests. But few know how to turn data into a plan of action and inform decision-making. 

The Bureau of Labor Statistics also showed that data occupations are expected to grow. And even if your job title doesn’t exactly mention the word “data,” having a certain level of data skills will help you stand out. 

Soft skills will always be desirable

Soft skills are important for every role, even for fully remote job positions. However, soft skills are especially important for managerial, admin, and customer-facing jobs. 

Now, there are a few job titles from our list that aren’t completely centered around programming. This includes the following: 

  • Project manager
  • Product manager
  • CSM
  • Admin assistant
  • Teacher

With that in mind, you can expect soft skills to always be desirable. Continue developing your technical expertise, but don’t forget about your soft skills too. 

Career progression is a priority

From our most popular job titles, there are two senior positions. The “senior” part could be an indication of our users seeking professional growth. 

Studies from ADP Research Institute even revealed that 40% of workers find career progression as the most important factor in a job. 

Not striving for career growth may indicate a lack of satisfaction or motivation. If that’s you, spend time reflecting on your goals. Most of us get caught up with work to the point we don’t allow ourselves to slow down and really think about what we want to do. 

What’s Trending and Expected to Stay?

None of the following are expected to be going anywhere anytime soon: 

  • AI technology. AI has stormed into companies across all industries. There’s lots of talk around ChatGPT and Gemini, for good reason. Such tools have given businesses new ways to operate. Being proficient with AI tools is now becoming essential for many roles. 
  • Cybersecurity. The annual growth rate of the cybersecurity market is projected at 12.3% from 2023 to 2030, according to Grand View Research. As reliance on technology increases, it’s paramount for companies to secure and protect data. 
  • User experience. With more consumer interactions happening online, companies will need people skilled in UX and UI. Customer satisfaction will always come first—and this is no different online. 
  • Specialized roles. Generalists will still be valuable, but companies will seek professionals with deep expertise in specific areas. This is evident with the different types of data and engineering roles. 
  • Hybrid work models. More people are prioritizing work-life balance. Therefore, companies that offer flexible work arrangements are more likely to attract and retain top talent. This is a trend that’s expected to continue, with more professionals demanding flexibility. 

How Can You Rise Up the Ranks Faster?

Most workers are capable of getting a promotion. Some may get it sooner than others for a few reasons. 

Here’s what you can do to climb up the corporate ladder faster: 

  • Overdeliver. Keep exceeding the expectations of your current role. Take initiative and solve problems effectively, going beyond what’s expected of your job position. 
  • Showcase your impact. Track your accomplishments and quantify the impact of your work. Use metrics and data to emphasize the value you bring to the company when discussing performance with your managers. 
  • Work on leadership skills. You don’t always have to be the best in your field to get promoted to a manager or more senior position. In some cases, simply having A1 communication and leadership skills can get you there. 
  • Specialize. Double down on one particular area. Become known for being the best at that one very thing. This may give you more room to distinguish yourself among your peers and open up the door for a promotion. 
  • Be more proactive. Respond promptly, help your team, and take initiative to solve problems without having to be told to do so. Participate in team meetings and volunteer for strategic projects. If you completed tasks sooner than planned, don’t sit around and chill. See if there’s anything else you can help with, especially with tackling on more challenging tasks.

All of this will highlight your work ethic and commitment, which strengthens your case for a promotion. 

In other words, it’s all about increasing your visibility in the company and proving your impact. You want to be the go-to person that your team and managers can rely on. 


Let’s recap the top ten job titles from the 50,567 resumes created in Rezi: 

  • Software engineer
  • Data analyst 
  • Software developer
  • Project manager
  • Product manager
  • Data scientist
  • Business analyst
  • Data engineer
  • Web developer
  • Full-stack developer

Remember, our January database is a depiction of what job titles Rezi users are creating resumes for.

As shown from the data, most of our users are in the tech industry, where software and data skills are essential. 

If you haven’t already, get started with our free resume templates. This is an ideal starting point for building a professional resume that hiring managers will love. 


What are examples of top-level management job titles?

Management job titles at the top level are c-suite positions. This includes, chief executive officer (CEO), chief operating officer (COO), chief financial officer (CFO), chief marketing officer (CMO), chief technology officer (CTO), and more. 

What are the top job positions in cybersecurity?

Here are a few examples of some of the top-level job positions in cybersecurity: chief information security officer (CISO), director of cybersecurity, security architect, and security operations manager. 

Is there a job title for someone who does everything?

It depends on what doing everything means. In office administration, there are a few positions that could fit a jack-of-all-trades type of worker description, such as executive assistant, customer service representative, and office coordinator. Other alternatives include generalist titles, like digital marketer when you’re doing a bit of everything in the online marketing space. 

What are the top job titles of searchers on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn hasn’t made this information publicly available. But such positions will most likely include roles where research into people is crucial. For example, recruiters, hiring managers, business development professionals, executives, salespeople, and marketers. 

What are the top marketing job titles?

The top marketing job titles include CMO, VPs, and directors. Other roles that can be considered as high level may include the premodifier “senior.” An example of this could be “senior marketing strategist.”

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Astley Cervania

Astley Cervania is a career writer and editor who has helped hundreds of thousands of job seekers build resumes and cover letters that land interviews. He is a Rezi-acknowledged expert in the field of career advice and has been delivering job success insights for 4+ years, helping readers translate their work background into a compelling job application.

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