
Rezi vs. Teal: What Makes Them Different and Which is Better?


Rezi excels in content-rich, ATS-friendly resumes and AI tools that generate impactful bullet points. Teal is similar, but they’re also known for… 

AI resume builders like Rezi and Teal can speed up the entire process of building professional resumes that match company job descriptions. Both platforms have similar features, which can make it challenging to determine the right option.

In this guide, we’ll break down the key features of Rezi and Teal, and see how they compare to one another. 

TL;DR: Rezi excels in creating content-rich, ATS-friendly resumes with advanced AI tools that generate impactful resume bullet points. Teal is known for providing a comprehensive job search management experience and detailed guidance to writing effective resume achievements. 

Rezi vs Teal comparison

Rezi Resume Builder Overview

Rezi website homepage

Many resume builders began to integrate AI writing tools after the launch of ChatGPT-3, but this wasn’t the case for Rezi. 

Rezi is an AI resume builder that used GPT technology before ChatGPT-3 even blew up. We use advanced AI to automate the entire process of building a resume tailored to your background and target company’s hiring requirements. 

Key differentiator: Rezi prioritizes impactful resume content that’s compatible with your target company’s applicant tracking system (ATS). All resumes are optimized for space and our AI tools are designed for writing compelling resume sentences that not only match the company’s job description, but are also specific toward a particular industry and experience level. 

Rezi AI also strictly focuses on adhering to the best hiring practices, which is why all our resumes revolve around a corporate aesthetic. 

Overview of Rezi Features

AI Bullet Point Writer

Rezi’s AI Bullet Point Writer suggests job-specific bullet points that align with your background and the target job ad. It can generate relevant bullet points from scratch by asking users to input the following details about their professional background at the beginning of the resume creation process:

  • Job field or domain
  • Experience level
  • Company job description

Teal also features an AI writing tool, but Rezi's process goes a step further by gathering specific details about the job seeker so that it can generate bullet points directly related to their field. 

AI Bullet Point Editor

Rezi’s AI Bullet Point Editor helps you complete and refine your resume writing. You can use this feature to get suggestions for improving existing bullet points or to finish an incomplete sentence, making it the ultimate weapon against writer’s block. 

Whenever you’re struggling to complete or improve a certain sentence, simply highlight it and click “Rewrite Bullet.”


AI Resume Summary Generator

Your resume summary shouldn’t just be about anything related to your field. It should provide a clear overview of your strengths and work history, aligning closely with the job description. This section should also feel personal, which is why it can be challenging for AI tools to create a first draft that you might be satisfied with.

The Rezi AI Resume Summary Generator overcomes this hurdle by: 

  • Suggesting users to write their summary last. This approach makes it easier not only for you to write a summary by having the full context of your resume, but also for our AI writer by taking into account your work history. 
  • Allowing users to enter their target job title or emphasize a particular job position from their work experience. This ensures the AI tailors the summary to highlight relevant roles.
  • Providing a “skills highlight” field for users to mention specific skills they want to emphasize, helping the AI focus on these in the summary.

AI Keyword Targeting

It’s essential for your resume to include relevant keywords from the job description. Rezi's AI Keyword Targeting simplifies this process. 

Copy and paste the job description into the provided field, and our tool will generate a list of the top keywords, as shown in the video below: 

Our resume keyword scanner will also highlight the keywords you’ve already used. For any missing keywords, the tool will identify opportunities in your work experience section where they can be added. You can then draft these additions with the help of our AI writer.

Rezi AI Keyword Targeting feature inside "finish up & preview" tab

Real-Time Content Analysis

Rezi's resume checker (or real-time content analysis) feature analyzes your resume in real-time, ensuring it meets hiring standards. It immediately spots mistakes and areas for improvement, providing actionable feedback to tailor your resume for specific job openings.

Example of Rezi AI Real-Time Content Analysis feature for the work experience section

Teal also offers a resume checker feature, but it looks slightly different, as you’ll have to click on the “analysis” tab, which assesses your resume as a whole, but you can still see general guidance on the right side of the screen (more on Teal later). 

Inside Teal's resume builder showcasing guidance for the work experience section

On the other hand, Rezi offers real-time feedback and suggestions both as you write your bullet points and at the end with a comprehensive Rezi score. This approach ensures your resume is optimized throughout the entire process (which leads us nicely to the next feature). 

Rezi Score

Inside the “finish up & preview” tab, Rezi provides a resume score out of 100. This score is based on 23 key details, with feedback across the following categories:

  • Content
  • Format
  • Optimization
  • Best Practices
  • Application Ready
Example of the Rezi resume score feature

Similarly, Teal offers an overall resume score that focuses on resume structure, measurable results, and keyword usage. 

Although Teal can check for quality issues, Rezi assesses your resume beyond the technical aspects. Plus, Rezi includes a separate audit to specifically check if your application is ready for submission. This in-depth analysis helps make sure you’re sending the best possible resume to your target company. 

Space-efficient resume templates 

All Rezi resumes are optimized for the following: 

  • ATS compatibility
  • Content density
  • Readability
  • Professional formatting

One of the standout features of Rezi templates is content density. Each template is designed for space efficiency, allowing you to include more information without sacrificing readability or professional formatting. 

The formatting is also pre-done, but you can make adjustments as needed.

Rezi resume templates

Teal also offers professional resume templates with high readability and a clean layout. However, you might find that Teal's templates offer less space for content compared to Rezi.

Examples of Teal resume templates

While Teal’s resume templates emphasize readability, Rezi balances both readability and space efficiency so that you can fit all essential details in one page without feeling constrained.

Simple user interface 

Rezi’s resume builder features an intuitive design that guides you through each section step-by-step with dedicated tabs. This layout prevents the interface from feeling overwhelming and allows you to narrow your focus to each specific section. 

Each tab contains fields to fill out with outlined content, serving as examples of what to write. If at any point you’re stuck, you can always use our AI writer and editor. 

Here are examples of how it looks inside Rezi’s resume builder when completing the contact, projects, and work experience sections:

 Example of the contact section tab inside Rezi's resume builder
Example of the projects section tab inside Rezi's resume builder
Example of the work experience section tab inside Rezi's resume builder

While Rezi prioritizes a content-focused approach, you can always preview your resume's layout at any stage by heading over to the “finish up & preview” tab.

Example of resume preview inside the "finish up & preview" tab

In contrast, Teal's interface is more compact, offering an overview of how your resume looks as you fill out the content.

The contacts section inside Teal's resume builder

Teal also provides a structured approach with step-by-step guidance and suggestions:

The work experience section inside Teal's resume builder

Additionally, Teal shares guidance on forming sentences with the following tabs: 

  • Assistant—simply fill in the blanks by picking one of the options provided in the dropdown menu.
  • Examples—see resume bullet point examples for your work experience section.
  • Prompts—questions to help you think about the impact you made in a previous company that you could write about. 
Example of Teal's assistant tab for writing the work experience section
Example of Teal's assistant tab for writing the work experience section
Example of Teal's assistant tab for writing the work experience section

However, Rezi’s design focuses on isolating resume content from formatting. We also have dedicated tabs for every resume section, rather than placing everything together. This approach minimizes distractions, helps you focus on one thing at a time, and places greater emphasis on the resume writing process. 

Rezi Pricing Plans 

  • Free: $0
  • Pro: $29/mo
  • Lifetime: $149 one-time payment

What People Say About Rezi

“I was after an easy-to-use, intuitive, simple, cost-effective solution. I stumbled across Rezi and been a fan ever since. The time-savings are huge and it’s really helped my career. The amount of interviews I got post using Rezi versus my own resume, it’s a stark difference. I’d guesstimate roughly 300% increase in responses, interviews, and feedback.”

– Harry S.
Rezi really helped me reinforce (or customize) my resume for specific job descriptions. As a volunteer resume career coach, I work with individuals looking to reintegrate into the workforce. When we’re sitting there with a blank page with no idea how to integrate their work history into the specific job descriptions they’d like to apply to, Rezi does a great job starting us off with bullet points that are pertinent to the job descriptions.”

– Chris C.
“I put my information in Rezi, and I was able to reorganize my experiences and come up with better bullet points. Now in the past week, I've had like 5 interviews, and I was able to secure a part-time job in my field.”

– Carlyle
“The platform allowed me to build a strong resume in an efficient and organized manner. It also made building a resume feel less daunting. My current employer was so impressed with my resume and said that they had not seen this caliber of a resume with any of the other candidates. What stood out to them was both the structure and the content itself. Rezi helped me craft a very compelling resume that had quantifiable numbers the employers were looking for and the soft skills that were emphasized in the job description.”

– Ryann G.

Teal Resume Builder Overview

Teal resume builder website page

Teal is known as a career growth platform, though they offer an AI resume builder with similar features as Rezi when it comes to streamlining the process of creating and tailoring a resume. 

Key differentiator: Teal offers AI-powered content customization as well as clean, readable resume templates. They also offer job search tools to organize the overall process of job hunting. Plus, users can import existing LinkedIn profiles to quickly build and edit their resume. 

Teal’s unique value lies in its ability to provide guidance for well-written AI-generated content that highlights your achievements and matches job descriptions. 

Overview of Teal Features

Resume bullet point generator

As the feature suggests, this uses AI to generate bullet points for your resume. However, it’s more focused on generating metric-focused and achievement-driven bullet points to emphasize tangible results that align with job descriptions. 

Inside Teal’s resume builder, click on “add an achievement” under a job position you entered in your work experience section, then press “write with AI.” You’ll then generate three sample achievements, as shown below:

 Example of using Teal's resume bullet point generator

Resume rewriter

The resume rewriter will generate suggestions for improving or customizing any particular bullet point. 

To improve a bullet point, simply click “Improve with AI.”

Example of using Teal's resume rewriter feature

To customize a bullet point using the resume rewriter, click “Customize AI.” Here, you can add specific keywords, a job description, and your own prompt to further refine your bullet point. 

Example of using Teal's resume rewriter feature to generate more customized bullet points

Resume checker, reviewer, and parser

Teal’s resume tools—Checker, Reviewer, and Parser—work together to strengthen your resume by identifying gaps, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. These features evaluate your resume and provide actionable feedback so that you can make sure your resume is polished. 

  • Resume Checker: understand the quality of your overall resume through an in-depth assessment. 
  • Resume Reviewer: get your resume reviewed and receive actionable suggestions in seconds. 
  • Resume Parser: gain personalized feedback to make sure your resume addresses the needs of your target job position. 
Example of using Teal's resume analysis

Resume summary generator

Teal’s resume summary generator drafts a summary relevant to your work history. It works best when you’ve completed your work experience section and added your professional achievements, as it takes these into account when generating a summary.

To generate your summary, head over to the “Professional Summaries” section and simply click “Generate with AI.” You’ll get an AI-generated summary like the one shown in the screenshot below: 

Example of using Teal's resume summary generator feature

If you’re not satisfied with the output, you can hit the “Regenerate with AI” button to try again.

Teal’s summary generator is effective in creating summaries that reflect your career achievements. However, Rezi offers additional customization by allowing users to specify job titles or previous positions to emphasize, and list specific skills to highlight in the summary, which can potentially be more tailored to the user's preferences. 

Keyword finder and scanner

This functionality is similar to what many AI resume builders are offering—without including relevant keywords from job descriptions, your resume won’t get past applicant tracking systems (ATS). 

Teal’s keyword finder identifies keywords from the job description you’re applying for. 

Example of using Teal to find resume keywords

And with Teal’s keyword scanner, you can analyze your resume to see what keywords you have and haven’t used. 

Example of using Teal to scan the job description for keywords

Resume job description match

This feature allows you to compare your existing resume to a job ad of any role. It provides a score based on whether your resume matches a company’s job description, taking into account the job’s language, keywords, and skill requirements. 

When you click the “Matching” tab in Teal’s resume builder, you’ll see a score match percentage.

Example of Teal match score

Similarly, Rezi offers an “optimization” score, which assesses how well your resume is optimized for job descriptions. This is a component of the overall Rezi score, providing detailed feedback to help you align your resume with job requirements.

Resume skills generator

Showcasing the right skills on your resume is crucial for landing an interview. Teal and Rezi offer tools to help you identify relevant skills, but they both work differently.

Teal’s Resume Skills Generator identifies skill gaps on your resume by comparing it to the target job description. This overlaps quite a bit with Teal’s keyword finder and scanner features. By adding the company job description into the provided field, you can see which skills have been mentioned or missed in your work history section.

Rezi offers a similar function with AI Keyword Targeting, which flags keywords from the job description, including skills, to ensure skills alignment. Additionally, you can use the Rezi AI Skills Explorer feature to discover other relevant skills. Here’s how it works:

  • Select a category of skills (e.g., hard skills or soft skills)
  • Mention a specific type of skill you’re seeking in the aforementioned category 
  • Pick skills to add to your resume from the generated list 
Example of using Rezi AI Skills Explorer to find relevant content marketing skills

Job application tracker

Although not directly related to resume writing, Teal’s job application tracker is worth mentioning since it’s one of its standout tools available. It helps you monitor multiple job applications in an organized manner. 

Here’s an example of how it looks on your dashboard:

Example of using Teal's job application tracker

Teal’s job application tracker simplifies managing your job search journey, ensuring you stay on top of all your applications. 

Teal Pricing Plans 

  • Free
  • $9 per week 
  • $29 per 30 days
  • $79 per 90 days

What People Say About Teal

“It is by far one of the most beautifully designed, intuitive, and powerful job application tools I have ever come across. If you are a professional looking to maintain your network, job search with purpose/intentionality, and continually grow your career, look no further than Teal.”

– Joshua K. Choi
“Works well at capturing job descriptions from LinkedIn and several other sites I've tried. Data immediately shows up in my dashboard view, and it's been helpful that I can save notes as I'm evaluating each position. It also has helpfully pointed out when a particular job isn't within my salary requirements, which saves me time.”

– Matt Jansen
“Do you know how many versions of my resume used to be languishing on my desktop? Teal made it so much easier to pick and choose relevant experience from a master resume.”

– Leah Allen-Manning
“Writing achievements for my past roles is easier because Teal highlights keyword frequency in each job description. I am pretty happy with Teal and plan to use it while I continue my job search. I highly recommend Teal for those considering or actively searching for their next role.”

– Andrew Jenkins

Conclusion: Rezi or Teal?

It’s hard to go wrong with either resume builder:

  • If you want a resume that allows you to fit more content into a single page and focus on your writing one section at a time without worrying about formatting, Rezi is for you. 
  • If you want more detailed guidance on writing resume achievements and tools to organize your job search process, Teal can be a good option. 

As for my professional opinion, I would lean toward recommending Rezi. Both platforms offer strong AI writing support and resume guidance, but why I would recommend Rezi over Teal comes down to two key points: 

  • Space-efficient and professional templates. Rezi’s templates are designed to make the most of the space available while maintaining a polished, professional look. They adhere to corporate hiring standards while adapting to modern job market needs.
  • Streamlined user interface. Rezi’s interface keeps you focused on one task at a time, which helps avoid distractions from other elements like customization and formatting. This makes the process straightforward and even enjoyable. While Teal offers a comprehensive set of tools, the range of options can feel overwhelming and slow down the resume-building process.

Teal’s templates are functional, but in my experience, Rezi offers more space-efficient and cleaner layouts. If you’re looking to easily create a resume that’s well-written and looks professional in minimal time, Rezi is the more effective resume builder. 

Have slightly different needs? I’ll quickly summarize the top features of both platforms below once more to help you reach a decision: 

Rezi is best for you if…

  • Writing effective resume content is your top priority. Rezi has all the AI functionalities to generate and refine bullet points and summaries that not only follow the best practices, but also target job descriptions, which makes it the perfect starting point for writing compelling resume sentences.
  • You prefer a step-by-step resume builder. Rezi’s design guides you through each section with dedicated tabs to narrow your focus down to one thing at a time. 
  • You value a content-dense, professional resume. All Rezi resumes are built for space efficiency so that you can include all essential details into a single page. 

Teal is best for you if…

  • You’re looking to organize your job search process. Teal includes tools to track and manage multiple job applications.
  • You need detailed guidance for writing about your achievements. Teal can guide you toward writing sentences that highlight your accomplishments.
  • You value job description insights. Teal allows you to make job notes on the side while creating your resume and also offer in-depth analysis on job descriptions. 

Try Rezi for Free

With Rezi, you can get access to: 

  • 300+ proven resume examples
  • Content-focused resume templates
  • AI writing tools trained to follow the best resume practices

Sign up for free—no card details required. Enter your email, create a password, and you’re good to go! 

Astley Cervania

Astley Cervania is a career writer and editor who has helped hundreds of thousands of job seekers build resumes and cover letters that land interviews. He is a Rezi-acknowledged expert in the field of career advice and has been delivering job success insights for 4+ years, helping readers translate their work background into a compelling job application.

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