
Rezi vs Novoresume: Which is More Effective for Building a Resume?


Rezi emphasizes writing compelling resume bullet points and meeting ATS standards using AI. Novoresume stands out with their user-friendly interface for…

You can build a job-winning resume with both Rezi and Novoresume. The more effective option comes down to personal preferences and needs. 

This comparison guide will help you determine the right answer by detailing the features and key differences of both platforms.

TL;DR: Rezi emphasizes writing compelling resume content and meeting ATS standards in a streamlined process by using AI, whereas Novoresume stands out with their user-friendly interface for customizing resumes that are visually striking yet professional and match your experience level. 

Rezi vs novoresume comparision

Rezi Resume Builder Overview

The website homepage of Rezi

After obsessively studying the correlation between resumes and applicant tracking systems (ATS), Rezi became one of the first AI resume builders in the industry. We help job seekers not only create ATS-friendly resumes but accelerate the resume creation process with AI tools trained to follow the best resume practices.

Where Rezi Shines: All Rezi resumes are professional and content-driven. All our resume features and designs revolve around the philosophy of making it simple to build a resume that gets past any company’s ATS filters.

With Rezi, you have all the AI tools and features to create a tailored resume that’s automatically formatted to an ATS-friendly standard (which you can adjust anytime if needed).

Overview of Rezi Features

AI resume writing

One of Rezi’s most distinctive resume features, the AI Bullet Point Writer, can generate resume sentences related to your field. It can generate job-specific bullet points from scratch, tailored to your professional background and the company’s job description. 

Novo has an AI assistant feature, too, except Rezi takes a slightly more intricate process by requesting certain details from the user, including: 

  • Professional field or domain
  • Experience level
  • Target job description 
  • Specific job position 

This allows our AI writer to generate resume bullet points that are relevant to the user and follow the best writing practices. 

AI resume summary writer 

Rezi has an AI writer feature dedicated to the resume summary section because writing a summary of your work background in alignment with a job description. It’s very different compared to writing other resume sections. 

Many candidates struggle with analysis paralysis when trying to summarize their application in a way that’s relevant to specific job requirements, but the Rezi AI Resume Summary Generator is the ultimate counter. 

Inside Rezi’s resume builder, the summary section is placed last, making it easier to write since you’ll have the full context of your resume. This also allows our AI summary writer to consider all the information you've added so that it can generate a more relevant summary. 

And whether you choose to write the summary first or last, simply select the specific job and skills you want to highlight. Next, press “AI Writer Ready” and you can refine it from there! 

AI resume editing

We often heard many people expressing a need for help rewriting bullet points to better highlight their impact, or completing sentences they couldn’t finish. In response, Rezi developed an AI resume editing feature, becoming one of the early adopters of this new technology in the industry. 

If you’ve ever wanted resume assistance for finishing a sentence or getting alternative suggestions for a bullet point, Rezi AI Bullet Point Editor is your answer. This AI resume editing tool helps you refine or complete bullet points you’ve written or partially written.

To use the AI editing feature, simply go to the incomplete bullet point and click “Complete Bullet” or highlight the bullet point and click “Rewrite Bullet.”


Keyword targeting

More job seekers are understanding how the resume application process works. They know that their resume must pass through resume scanners before reaching hiring managers. If it doesn’t, they’ll likely receive an automatic rejection email.

To get past resume scanners, you’ll need to include keywords from the job description. You can find these keywords by either meticulously reviewing the job ad or by simply copying and pasting the job opening into Rezi AI Keyword Targeting, which will then show you what keywords are missing from your resume.

Resume content analysis

The magic in creating the perfect resume lies in the editing process.

A key part of good editing is expert guidance. The Rezi Real-Time Content Analysis feature provides live feedback based on the best resume writing practices as you write, explicitly directing you on what needs to be corrected or improved. 

Example of resume feedback from Rezi's Real-Time Content Analysis feature

Novoresume also has an AI content analyzer, but it looks quite different and feels more general (more on Novo later). 

Resume score

On top of resume content analysis, Rezi does a full audit and gives your resume a score out of 100. This audit is based on 23 key details, which is split into feedback across the following categories: 

  • Content
  • Format
  • Optimization
  • Best Practices
  • Application Ready
Example of Rezi resume score.

Content-driven resume design

All Rezi resumes maintain a corporate and professional aesthetic while being sleek, clean, and modern. Our designs adhere to ATS standards and are familiar to recruiters. They’re also minimalistic, maximizing space so you can fit more content on a single page. 

Plus, our resume builder automatically formats your resume, allowing you to focus on writing without being distracted with multiple customization options (as this is usually the case for many other resume builders). 

You can still make adjustments anytime if necessary, but the default formatting is there if you don’t want to manually format it for both efficiency and clarity.

 Rezi resume templates

In contrast, Novoresume's designs are visually distinct. While they can make your resume stand out, the visual design elements can limit the amount of content you can include.

Structured user interface

Rezi guides you through the resume creation process step by step, with each section having its own dedicated tab. These tabs with its own section also include fields to fill in, along with outlined content examples to help you know what to write. If you're unsure, you can use our AI writer for suggestions.

Here are examples of how it looks inside Rezi’s resume builder when completing the contact, summary, and work experience sections:

The contact section inside Rezi's resume builder
The summary section inside Rezi's resume builder
The work experience section inside Rezi's resume builder

To adjust formatting, go to the “finish up & preview” tab after completing your resume content. (One standout feature is the “Auto-Adjust,” which automatically optimizes your resume to fit a single page and adhere to ATS standards.)

 Example of what the "finish up & preview" tab looks like inside Rezi's resume builder

We designed our resume builder so that you can focus on one thing at a time. Many users have praised this approach, as it makes the process of building a resume simpler and less overwhelming.

Novoresume is quite the opposite. After picking your resume template, you’re given an almost blank canvas to start with. 

Example of what it looks like when building a resume inside Novoresume's resume builder

When you click on a section, such as the work experience section, you’ll be provided with outlines and fields to fill in, as shown below:

Example of the work experience section outline inside Novoresume's resume builder

With everything present—the green plus icon, the red exclamation marks for feedback, and the design, formatting, and customization options—it might feel a little overwhelming. Granted, this offers more creative freedom, but it may also feel distracting when trying to focus solely on writing your resume.

Additionally, the outlined prompts might feel vague and less intuitive for users who need more guidance, especially in the summary section, which simply says “short and engaging pitch about yourself.”

Rezi, on the other hand, emphasizes a structured interface that feels user-friendly from the start by narrowing down your focus. We designed it this way to help you concentrate on the writing.

Ultimately, what you write is more important, which is why we encourage you to double down on writing your resume.

Rezi Pricing Plans 

  • Free: $0
  • Pro: $29/mo
  • Lifetime: $249 one-time payment

What People Say About Rezi

“The platform allowed me to build a strong resume in an efficient and organized manner. It also made building a resume feel less daunting. The entire experience is focused on the user, and it helped me craft the resume that ultimately landed me 5+ interviews, a few offers, and one full-time job! My current employer was so impressed with my resume and said that they had not seen this caliber of a resume with any of the other candidates. What stood out to them was both the structure and the content itself. Rezi helped me craft a very compelling resume that had quantifiable numbers the employers were looking for and the soft skills that were emphasized in the job description. The best part about Rezi is that while there is a structure built in, I was also able to customize the format and resume to be tailored to the position I was applying for.”

– Ryann G.
“Rezi really helped me reinforce (or customize) my resume for specific job descriptions. I work with individuals looking to reintegrate into the workforce. When [we’re unsure about] how to [align] their work history [with] specific job [ads], Rezi does a great job starting us off with bullet points that are pertinent to the job descriptions.”

– Chris C.
“I was after an easy-to-use, intuitive, simple, cost-effective solution. I stumbled across Rezi and been a fan ever since. The time-savings are huge and it’s really helped my career. The amount of interviews I got post using Rezi versus my own resume, it’s a stark difference. I’d guesstimate roughly 300% increase in responses, interviews, and feedback.”

– Harry S.
“I had a near-zero interview rate using my old resume to apply for positions all over the web. Within just one month using Rezi, I was contacted by nearly half of all of the positions I applied for, and am currently in contention for life-changing positions. Thanks Rezi!”

– trivolver

Novoresume Resume Builder Overview

Novoresume website homepage

Novoresume offers various customizable resumes with a modern aesthetic, equipped with essential tools for building a professional yet eye-catching resume.

Where Novoresume shines: Users can choose from multiple templates featuring infographic-style elements and diverse design options to create a resume that stands out.

After selecting a template, users can easily fill in their details in the provided fields and outlines. The polished user interface also contributes to a satisfying experience when editing and customizing a resume.

Overview of Novoresume Features

AI assistant

Novoresume has an AI assistant feature that can generate content for your resume. To use it, click on the 'AI Assistant' icon on the left side of your screen and then select the section you want to generate content for.

Example of using Novoresume's AI assistant feature

You can add additional instructions to specify what you need help with. In the example below, I didn’t include any additional instructions, which led to the following suggestions:

Examples of AI-generated content using Novoresume's AI assistant feature

Unfortunately, not all suggestions were relevant to my role. So, I tried again but asked the AI assistant to “highlight marketing manager responsibilities.” Here are the new suggestions:

Examples of AI-generated content (after including additional instructions) using Novoresume's AI assistant feature

These suggestions are a lot better since they’re actually relevant. 

Novoresume’s AI assistant can help you get inspiration for sentences. To make sure the outputs are relevant, specify your prompts. This feature works similarly to ChatGPT, but Novoresume’s free plan limits you to 10 tokens, with each use of the AI assistant consuming one token.

Live content analyzer and optimizer

This feature highlights areas of your resume that need improvement, categorizing optimizations into two types:

  • Red exclamation marks indicate critical issues.
  • Yellow exclamation marks indicate suggestions for improvement.
Example of resume feedback from Novoresume flagged as red, requiring revisions

And here’s an example of Novoresume showing suggestions, flagged as yellow:

Example of resume suggestions from Novoresume flagged as yellow

This helps you identify any missing important information and provides feedback to improve your resume. The feedback is generally helpful, although it can sometimes be broad.

However, there were times when I thought that some of the yellow exclamation marks should’ve been red. For example, in the experience section, I simply wrote: 

  • Improved website traffic
  • Increased sales
  • Improved conversion rates

These sentences are short and vague, and I felt they should have been flagged as red instead of yellow. 

Example of a resume writing suggestion from Novoresume, flagged as yellow, which also includes a reference article

But still, the advice it gave me was pretty solid, and even included a specific article for guidance.  

On the other hand, Rezi provides a short video guide for each resume section. Users can watch and listen to these guides for specific section-by-section guidance.

Example of a video guide for the work experience section inside Rezi's resume builder

Real-time resume editing

With real-time resume editing, you’ll see your resume being updated live as you build, write, and edit it. In other words, all changes you make to your resume are reflected in real time, so you can see how your resume looks throughout the entire creation process. This applies whenever you’re changing something content or formatting wise. 

Some users appreciate this since they can see their resume being built while they’re working on it, which might make the experience feel more satisfying. 

Multiple design options

Three notable design elements of Novoresume are the layout options, fonts, and themes.

Firstly, you have a drag-and-drop model for resume layout to organize and rearrange sections easily, and add new sections if desired.

 Example of Novoresume layout options when customizing a resume

You can also select from Novoresume’s list of professional font choices.

Examples of different font options when customizing a resume with Novoresume

Thirdly, you can customize your resume with different themes via color schemes and background designs.

Examples of different themes when customizing a resume with Novoresume

These features are great for visually customizing your resume. Although Rezi emphasizes content-driven resume building, it also offers customization options, including icons and colors.

Custom resume formatting

Another notable customization option that Novoresume offers is the ability to select a format based on your career level. These options include:

  • Student/just starting out
  • Graduate/some experience
  • Intermediate/1-5 years of experience
  • Senior/5+ years of experience
  • Freelancer/any experience
Examples of different experience level options for formatting a resume with Novoresume

There are some overlaps between these formats, such as between “student/starting out” and “graduate/some experience,” but it can still be helpful for those who want to edit and format their resume as they go.

Visually stunning resume templates

Novoresume has a gallery of resume templates to choose from, each with their own flair. Some are dedicated towards specific industries and formats, including skill-based, hybrid, creative, and tech resumes.

Examples of Novoresume resume templates

The default resume designs can make your application stand out. However, not all templates are available on the free plan.

Novoresume Pricing Plans 

  • Free: $0.00
  • Monthly: $19.99
  • Quarterly: $39.99
  • Annually: $99.99

What People Say About Novoresume

“I recently used the resume templates provided on Novoresume, and I am thoroughly impressed with the quality and variety they offer. The templates are not only visually appealing but also professionally designed to cater to a wide range of industries and career levels. Each template is easy to customize, allowing me to tailor my resume to highlight my skills and experiences effectively. What I appreciate most is the user-friendly interface that makes the process of creating a polished resume incredibly straightforward. The clear instructions and tips provided on the site were incredibly helpful, ensuring that my resume was both comprehensive and concise. The modern design elements and well-organized layout of the templates made my resume stand out to potential employers.”

– Coral Martes
“Great selection of templates available, they really enhance the appearance of any resume.”

– Tetiana
“Novoresume has the best UX/UI and template options out of any other resume platforms I've ever used. I think the cost [is] a little steep per month, but when you consider what some of these resume writers charge, the styling can't even come close to Novo.”

– Tcideas
“Novoresume is easy to use and makes a difficult task more manageable. They offer so many templates to choose from and then a very customizable layout. I love adjusting the colors of each resume I make to reflect the company I'm applying to. For me, the real value comes in how easy it is to duplicate a resume and adjust it. I have so many resumes stored in the UI now and it's very easy to re-find them.”

– Emma

Conclusion: Rezi or Novoresume?

Rezi and Novoresume are great starting points for creating a resume. As for which is best for whom, from this comparison, I’d have to say this: 

  • If you value a resume builder that has a stricter focus on content quality and ATS optimization, Rezi is a good option. 
  • If you prioritize visual customization and a modern aesthetic, Novoresume might be the better way to go. 

Rezi has more features related to AI and ATS optimization. This includes an AI writer and editor, a keyword scanner, and a Rezi score which takes into account how well your resume matches a specific job description. 

In contrast, Novoresume provides more design options and freedom when it comes to customization. 

Let’s summarize a bit further below. 

Rezi is likely the better choice when you are:

  • Prioritizing ATS compatibility. Rezi has all the AI tools to make sure your resume matches job descriptions and is formatted to pass applicant tracking systems.
  • Looking to focus more on resume writing. Rezi’s structured interface narrows down your focus to one section at a time.
  • Focusing on content quality. Rezi’s AI writer and editor can generate and refine resume bullet points and summaries.
  • Preferring minimalistic, professional resumes. Rezi’s resumes are clean, sleek, and professional. Although they may not include many visually striking design elements, they’re built to maximize space without sacrificing readability.

Novoresume is likely the better choice when you are:

  • Seeking visual appeal. Novoresume offers a variety of visually striking templates with modern design elements.
  • Wanting creative freedom. Novoresume has customization including themes and color schemes, allowing you to express your personal style.
  • Preferring real-time resume editing. You can see real-time changes applied to your resume as you’re working on it, which might be a personal preference for some. 
  • Prioritizing a user-friendly interface for customization. Navigating Novoresume for customizing your resume is fairly straightforward. 

Try Rezi for Free

You can build a resume with Rezi for free and get access to: 

  • 300+ proven resume examples
  • ATS-friendly resume templates
  • AI tools trained to adhere to the best resume practices 

Sign up for free—no card details required. Simply enter your email and create a password, then you’re all set! 

Astley Cervania

Astley Cervania is a career writer and editor who has helped hundreds of thousands of job seekers build resumes and cover letters that land interviews. He is a Rezi-acknowledged expert in the field of career advice and has been delivering job success insights for 4+ years, helping readers translate their work background into a compelling job application.

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